At Everton Free School we recognise the importance of peace in our school community.

In our school and classroom environments everybody feels safe: teaching and learning is enhanced and academic attainment and performance rises.

However, we recognise that on occasion there may be conflict and, as and when it does arise, we use a Restorative Conference to resolve the matter and de-escalate the situation. Our students learn to alternatively resolve and de-escalate conflict in a peaceful manner rather than escalation and the resulting consequences.

Our own bespoke and personalised approach to Restorative Justice, created following discussion with our stake-holders, is as follows:
A member of staff identifies the situation to a member of the Behaviour For Learning team.

As inclusive practitioners a member of the BFL team mediates the conference between the students and the situation is resolved quickly and professionally in a bid to minimise disruption and time out of the classroom.

We track, monitor and assess the impact of the conference through our SIMS system.


Everton Free School and Football College is committed to providing an environment where all students, staff, stakeholders, associates and communities can feel safe, happy, accepted and integrated.

It is imperative that an orderly framework be maintained on a daily basis to ensure effective development of students and to support outstanding teaching and learning. The School holds an important position in the wider community, educating the young citizens of tomorrow.

An emphasis on productive behaviour will allow students to take a positive role within their community both now and in the future.

It is therefore important that the School understands its responsibility to nurture an atmosphere which focuses on developing self-esteem and confidence.

Everton Free School and Football College understands the inherent challenges of its Alternative Provision status.

Imaginative, creative and solution focused attitudes are pervasive across all areas of the School.

Outdoor (Forest school)

1. Our Forest School is delivered Tuesday and Thursday in localised settings including Delamere Forest, Formby National Trust Park, Wirral Country Park and many other local sites of natural beauty.

2. Our Forest School takes place in a woodland or natural environment and supports the development of a lifelong relationship between the learner and the natural world.

3. Our Forest School uses a range of learner-centred processes to create a community for being, development and learning.

4. Our Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.

5. Our Experiential Curriculum encompasses ; Key Stages 3 and 4

6. Content from within the classroom is delivered outdoors as part of an enriching and enjoyable provision.

7. Our subject's cover; English, Maths, Science, RSHE, PE, Geography, History, Geology, STEAM and Archaeology.

Pastoral Care

We provide exceptional levels of pastoral support to students through daily opportunities for them to review and reflect on their progress, assess their behaviour and to consider the wealth of information, advice and guidance offered to them. Students are given daily opportunities to develop positive attitudes about themselves and the world around them.

Tutor groups are organised with no more than 10 students. However, much of the pastoral support is offered on a one-to-one basis and there are weekly FA Tutor sessions which allow additional one to one support as required. We adopt a 'stage not age' approach, in which accurate, thorough baseline assessments enable us to challenge each student to work at their full potential at an appropriate level of learning.

Behaviour and Welfare staff and external sources of support and inspiration provide a major contribution to each student's personal development and academic achievement. The deputy principal oversees close monitoring of student wellbeing and progress.

We deliver a pastoral care programme that gives students the opportunity to develop positive attitudes about themselves and the world around them; locally, nationally and internationally. Our students are open-minded citizens, proud of their local heritage but ambitious to engage with other young people globally.

The safety and wellbeing of our students is an absolute priority for every member of staff. We ensure rigorous training in this area using the following policies as guidance:
- Everton Free School & Football College Preventing Bullying Policy
- Everton Free School & Football College Health and Safety Manual Policies
- Everton Free School & Football College Medical Treatment for Students 

We value the importance of promoting e-safety and using technology as a positive part of student learning and well-being. The safety and well-being of our students is an absolute priority for every member of staff at the School. We provide rigorous training in this area and work closely with the DfE to ensure safeguarding procedures are fully up to date.

Click here to review latest DfE guidance.

The School's Designated Safeguarding Lead is Deputy Principal, Claire Lamontagne. The School's Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Anna Wilcox. Cathy Atkinson is our Educational Psychologist. We are also supported by a full-time Behaviour team.

Health and Wellbeing
Mersey Care offer a Healthy Child Programme Universal Core Service to all secondary school aged children. Details of this service can be found here along with details of a questionnaire aimed at Year 9 and Year 11 students.

Health Questionnaire
In addition we employ a School Nurse - Viki Spambo.

British Values

We are dedicated to promoting values which support and encourage students to develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility to prepare them for life in modern Britain. We provide a range of opportunities to promote and develop these values within, and beyond, the curriculum, giving students the confidence and skills for future learning, training or employment.

We can influence decision-making through democratic processes such as the electoral system and local elections.

We experience our own democracy at Everton Free School & Sixth Form through:
- Our own student council and student voice
- Curriculum Options
- Weekly News

Rule of Law
We are law-abiding citizens and are accountable to the laws of society.
Here, we develop an understanding of the rule by:
- Induction Activities
- Policies and Procedures
- Code of Conduct
- Partnership Pledge
- BESMART plan
- Curriculum
- Weekly News

Mutual Respect and Acceptance of Different Faiths
We appreciate what mutual respect means, and understand the richness that diverse faiths and beliefs can bring to our society, through:
- Themed assemblies
- Weekly News
- Safeguarding
- Anti-bullying policies
- PSE/BV Curriculum
- School Chaplain
- Key theme topics - mental health, healthy lifestyles, volunteer opportunities, internet safety, LGBT days, British Red Cross and raising awareness of radicalisation

Individual Liberty
This is the right to understand and exercise our human rights in a safe environment. We promote this by:
- Equality & Diversity Policies
- ILPs
- Celebrating student success
- IIAG & Careers support
- Progression Pathways
- Weekly News
- Curriculum Options
- PSE and British Values Curriculum