Everton Free School is an inclusive school. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender students and staff should know that as an organisation, we treat you with respect. We are committed to ensuring that anyone who identifies as LGBTQ is treated fairly and has the same opportunities as anyone else.

We understand that for young students who think they may be LGBTQ it can often feel like you are alone and have no support, but at Everton Free School, our staff are trained to listen to you and offer support and talk to you about any questions concerning sexual orientation or gender identity and will listen to you respectfully, without judgement.
As a school we celebrate the LGBTQ community and have our Diversity Week. This includes our Diversity day on the Friday where our students take part in workshops and activities to educate and celebrate. Students have found these days positive and informative.
Everton Free School is committed to ensuring that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people (LGBTQ) experience a safe, inclusive and nurturing education. As part of this we take homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying very seriously. This is detailed in the school’s bullying policy.

As part of our PSHE curriculum we explore relationships and feel it is important that we do not just discuss the generic family. It is important for our students to see that families can come in all shapes and sizes. We also make sure that all of our lessons are LGBTQ inclusive to make sure all of our students feel comfortable and included.

As a school we use the SHARP system. The SHARP System allows young people to report any incidents which occur within the school and local community anonymously and without fear. It also gives them a chance to ask for support anonymously. Students do not have to leave their information if they choose not to unless they require help. The link can be found on our website.

Should you or a friend or family member wish to find out information on your own, below we have included links to a number of LGBTQ organisations and information.

Stop Hate UK – toolkit available here.


Everton Free School and Football College aims to provide students with a disability with the appropriate support to enable them to be fully integrated. We will not treat a student with a disability less favourably than any other student and will make reasonable adjustments to ensure the full participation and integration of disabled students. 

As far as resources allow, the needs of disabled students will be taken into account in the design, structure and flexibility of teaching methods and delivery. Where a curriculum area is organised in such a way that a disabled student cannot fully participate, alternative provision will be made. Students with a disability or who become disabled whilst studying with us will be given appropriate support from staff to enable them to have equal access to the curriculum. 

Individual needs will be considered and addressed by all curriculum areas in collaboration with the SENCO, Andrew Poole (

Further details can be found in the following:
SEN Information Report
Special Education Needs and Disability Policy
Accessibility Plan

Black Lives Matter

Everton Free School is a fully inclusive and anti-racist school. We welcome staff and students from all backgrounds and ensure everyone is treated equally and fairly. Everton Free School strongly believes that everyone has the right to share and learn about their identity and to live without discrimination and prejudice.

Our priority is creating a safe and welcoming learning environment that is inclusive for all students and encourages all students to ask questions, engage in discussion, express themselves and celebrate diversity and difference. This includes channelling responses creatively through subjects such as Music, Art, Inside the City, Form Time and Assemblies. Additionally, we work with outside agencies to provide support where necessary. 
We are proud to addresses negative cultural attitudes and misconceptions about people with disabilities, or those who are members of minority communities. 

We aim to educate and enrich our students understanding of discrimination through our curriculum and we address social media responsibility. 

We address any discrimination towards staff and students and follow a robust procedure to record and resolve any incidents. 

We are currently in the process of reviewing our curriculum and identifying more opportunities to acknowledge and embrace the diversity of British Society. 

For links to relevant organisations please see below:

Anthony Walker Foundation 
The Foundation offers personal support to individuals and families experiencing hate crime. 

Black Minds Matter 
Connects Black individuals and families with free professional mental health services across the UK. 

Irish Community Care Merseyside
Irish Community Care is a registered charity, which exists to identify and respond to the needs of both the Irish and Irish Traveller communities, through offering and developing professional and culturally sensitive services. 

Kids of Colour
A platform for young people of colour to explore race, identity and culture and challenge the everyday, institutionalised racism that shapes their lives.

Tell MAMA supports victims of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate. 

Pagoda Arts Centre 
The Pagoda Chinese Community centre can provide interpreting, translation, victim support and helping report hate crimes/other crimes for any Chinese speaking person looking for help.

Wirral Multicultural Organisation
The Wirral Multi-Cultural Organisation provides general support to those from black and ethnic minority communities on the Wirral.

Parental support 
Resources for talking about race, racism and racialized violence with children.