Beyond the Curriculum - Numeracy Across the Curriculum

We are determined to improve the numeracy skills of all students who attend our school. To achieve this we have begun a scheme to involve numeracy skill across the curriculum within all subjects, using imaginative and creative strategies to give our students the best possible chance.

Our fully committed teaching assistants work with smaller groups to further the students' knowledge with basic numerical skills, the type of skills that will prepare the students for the real world.

With the help of Everton Football Club and the fantastic facilities that they offer we can really make a difference and vastly impact upon their learning.

Beyond the curriculum - Spirit Literacy

Reading Plus
We now use the Reading Plus programme using laptops to analyse articles and short extracts on students' favourite topics. This is used as a reading intervention to improve reading ages and reading speed, which is vital for students to access the exams.

Spirit Library
We have a library stocked with books for students to read. They access it throughout the day and especially at reading hour. It's great for quiet intervention too.

Reading Hour
This is an initial space for students to enjoy reading a book, magazine or kindle. We have a range of resources for students to read and enjoy topics of their choice. Some teachers have ordered books for their form groups so they read specific books they've asked for. Many students will pick up a magazine to read during this hour and enjoy topical articles on fashion, football or motorbikes.

Magazines & Kindles
We subscribe to several magazines that are relevant to students and have them dotted around the school so they can read them at break or lunch time. It is about helping the students see that reading can come in all forms, it doesn't just have to be enjoying a novel, it could be an interesting article on a website or in a magazine!