Seamless transition to and from our school is an important priority. Our admission arrangements are designed to encourage incoming students to settle into school confidently and quickly, and to ensure their needs are identified and met from the outset.

Our alternative provision students are referred to us by commissioners: other schools and local authorities. Parents/carers and students cannot refer themselves. However, if you feel your child has a need that we may be able to meet, you should discuss this with your school. Placements are generally, though not exclusively, long term. We accept referrals from the whole of Merseyside.

When they join us, each student receives a personalised induction to enable them to follow a tailored learning programme that is right for them. We consult closely with students, their commissioning school and their family or carers to draw up Personal Student Profiles. The commissioning process is led by Claire Lamontagne, Deputy Principal, who has a great deal of educational experience and insight.

If places are available, a student will be offered a start date for a six-week trial period. Students will sign a 'Partnership Pledge' with the School and, through the course of six weeks, a decision will be made about offering a longer-term placement.

Academic and vocational learning opportunities are provided according to the individual needs, aspirations and aptitude of each student. We assess students' emotional and academic profiles when they start so we can measure their progress. We benefit from the highest levels of expertise in making these baseline assessments.

When students are ready to leave us they might be returning to a mainstream school or academy, moving to college or university or entering the world of work. They will have gained formal qualifications and a strong understanding of themselves.

Each student takes away a full record of of their achievements at the school.
If you would like any information about admissions, please contact us or download our Admissions Policy