Privacy Policy

Everton Free School - Pupil Privacy Notice

Who Are We
Everton Free School offers alternative educational opportunities and experiences to young people aged 14-19. It is sponsored by Everton Football Club.

Our website is

Why do we collect your information
We use pupil data:
- To support your learning
- Monitor and report on pupil progress
- Provide appropriate pastoral care
- Assess the quality of our services
This is required to provide education services and comply with our legal obligations.

What information do we collect and record
We will collect:
- Your name, age and contact details
- Characteristics - ethnicity, language, gender
- Attendance information - when you attend, reasons for absence
- Academic records - test results, grades
- Supporting information - school meal eligibility, funding and consent for trips or events
- We may collect medical or behaviour information if this is important to providing you with education

Where do we receive information about you from
Most of the information we record ourselves or collect from you or your parents / guardian. We will also receive information from Local Authorities.

Who We share information with
We will share your information with your parent / guardian.
We must also share your information with the Department of Education for monitoring attainment.
Everton Football Club offer support and expertise to the Free School. Your information may be shared with them for this reason.

How long do we keep your information
We keep your information until you are 30 years old.

What rights do you have
You can request access to your information and correct it.

Further questions
Your can request information or discuss your information with the Data Protection Officer (DPO), by contacting:
Data Protection Officer
Everton Football Club
Goodison Park
L4 4EL